Chabad of Loudoun Hebrew School Registration Form


Child 1
Example: David or דוד
Hebrew School Sudent Questions
Emergency Contact Info
Child 2
Example: David or דוד
Hebrew School Sudent Questions
Emergency Contact Info
Child 3
Example: David or דוד
Hebrew School Sudent Questions
Emergency Contact Info
Child 4
Example: David or דוד
Hebrew School Sudent Questions
Emergency Contact Info
Jewish Background
Tuition and Fees

The fees will include a $1200 Tuition Fee, a $75 Registration Fee and a $50 Book Fee. For a total of $1325.
Additional Children will get a Sibling Discount of $10% off their $1200 Tuition

No child will be turned away on a monetary basis. We firmly believe that every child deserves a Jewish education, regardless of financial situation.
Please email Rabbi Cohen directly at to discuss scholarship options. We want to ensure that your child can attend JUDA. Your privacy is our top priority - any scholarships applied to an account will remain confidential.


If you are enrolling before May 15th use the JUDAEARLY code to lock on your Early Bird 5% discount off of the $1200 Tuition:

  • Tuition for 1 child - $1140
  • Tuition for 2 children - $2280
  • Tuition for 3 children - $3420
  • Tuition for 4 children - $4560

Terms of Agreement**

As the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the above child(s), I/we authorize any adult acting on behalf of JUDA - Judaism through the Arts to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child, I further agree to pay all charges for that care and/or treatment. It is understood that if time and circumstances reasonably permit, JUDA - Judaism through the Arts personnel will try, but are not required, to communicate with me prior to such treatment. I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all school activities, join in class and school trips on and beyond school properties and allow my child to be photographed while participating in JUDA - Judaism through the Arts activities and that these pictures may be used for marketing purposes.

Note: Tuition can be paid in full, or in quarterly or monthly payments.